Friday, June 10, 2011

Some want to say that our greatest need is to overcome poverty.  We couldn’t agree more.  However to say that poverty is simply a lack of money is to misunderstand poverty altogether.  “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.”  We need to minister to more than the lack of money.  IF we believe that this world is all there is, then a lack of money is the worst thing that can happen - it makes life in this world less comfortable.  But to live for comfort is to live the life of death.  But if this world is NOT all there is, there must be more to life than gaining wealth.  If we teach the poor that they somehow deserve as much wealth as their neighbors, and that are being oppressed because they don't have as much as their neighbors, we are only making them twice as fit for hell as we are ourselves.

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