Wednesday, September 01, 2010

I think it is actually quite reasonable for people who have seen the continued terrorism over the years -- all from cowards screaming "Allahu Akbar" as they kill unsuspecting civilians -- to be fearful about Islam as a religion. It is more reasonable to use the word "homophobia" than "Islamophobia" but each is used in its sphere simply to stifle debate. But fear of Islam is quite reasonable, given that all the terrorist activity -- ALL of it -- has been carried out by smiling, lying, cowards who claim to be Muslims. It is rather incumbent on those who claim that Islam is a religion of peace to prove their case by their actions, and understand that a watching American public should not be asked to take their word for it. When we invaded Iraq, our troops went out of their way, placing themselves in danger to prove to the Iraqi people that we were NOT there to harm them. And we were liberating them from Saddam! We were fighting on their behalf! It was incumbent on us to prove by our actions that we were not there to colonize, destroy, steal their oil, et c. We shouldn't be ashamed of ourselves and be cowed just because we are called names like "Islamophobic." It is incumbent on the Moderate Muslim to prove that he is peaceful and not acting like the terrorists who cite Islam as their motivation.

"You will know them by their fruits" we are told. A religion should be judged by its actions, and when someone does something evil in the name of God, the true believers are responsible to distance themselves from the act. It should not be reversed and pressure put on the victims of these attacks to make fine distinctions between smiling, honest "moderates," and smiling, vicious liars who are attempting to destroy us with whatever means necessary, including deceit.

This is said in sober logic, not hot anger. This is only being reasonable, and treating American concerns as seriously as we would treat the concerns of Iraqi civilians, or German civilians in WWII. I think it is unreasonable to turn victims into the "bad-guys" and act as though they should be the ones to fix the problem brought about by the actions of the terrorists. It is absurd to say, "We shouldn't be held accountable for the actions of those terrorists - they hold to a completely different religion than we do. We are peaceful Muslims, but they on the other hand, are terrorist Muslims - a VERY different thing altogether. We read the Koran, they on the other hand, read the Koran." But we, the non-Muslims are supposed to be able to parse out the differences, and know that one is good and the other bad? Do you know how the terrorists fought our troops in the desert? They would fire on us without uniforms, then run into the city where they were indistinguishable from the local innocent civilians. These are vicious and cowardly enemies. And if we shoot the wrong one, WE are instantly the bad guys. If they are successful in killing one of our guys either by posing as a local civilian, or by using local civilians as human shields to hide behind to keep us from firing on them, they are heroes to their people! Why should American civilians be expected to be this discerning, or not make decisions out of fear? "Islamophobia" is irresponsible use of language, because it ignores the reasonable fear of the victim.

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